Claire Bosley
Claire is a qualified nurse and has worked extensively in the community in London based GP practices before becoming a manager in a large nursing agency. She has particular interest in the human aspects of business and has strong people skills. She is a qualified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and is currently training in psychotherapy. Her experience of Africa was until recently only from a tourist perspective and she values the more direct interaction with local people that ZaRP has given her. Claire married into a farming family and so fully appreciates the extent of the differences between farming in the UK and in Zambia. An unexpected additional benefit has come from involving her two young children in her partnership. This has given them a valuable opportunity to see and understand the basic principles of providing practical support to people and in helping others to help themselves.
Nick Gregory
Nick worked for 30 years in the financial services specialising in investment in the Japanese equity market and managing successful teams advising major institutional investors. He developed skills in corporate research and marketing and in 2003 drew on these accumulated skills to run with a partner a successful hedge fund. He lived and worked in Asia for fifteen years but until joining ZaRP had only visited Africa as a mountaineer. Having retired from the mainstream business world to focus on smaller projects Nick has found his experience of research, team management and business management and of working in foreign cultures invaluable in his activities with ZaRP.
Elspeth Kendall-Carpenter
Elspeth is a nurse specialising in palliative care and chronic health conditions. Widely travelled in developing countries, Elspeth first visited East and Southern Africa from 1994 until 1996. She returned to Africa in 2008 and lived for nearly 4 years in small town and rural Zambia. In Zambia she worked as a volunteer with local NGOs where she saw at first hand the impact poverty has on chronic ill-health. Elspeth is passionate about possibilities and potential and is frustrated that so much donated money never reaches those in need (at grassroots/village level) and that so much of good work fails to bring about sustainable benefits. This combination of passion and frustration was the driving force behind the formation of ZaRP. Her local knowledge and understanding of the practical realities gives her local credibility when advocating change or encouraging Zambians to look for new opportunities.
Nick Kendall-Carpenter
Nick has a wide variety of experience from the charity and commercial sectors. He has led 2 major international change projects as Head of Oxfam’s International Directorate and as Oxfam’s International Finance and Information Systems Director. He learnt to appreciate the value that volunteers can add and the diversity of skills they can bring when he headed a team in the National Trust that included more than 1450 volunters. Before joining the charity sector Nick was the International Business Manager and Head of Marketing for a leading London law firm. He has also worked as a marketing consultant in the retail financial services industry, has set up and run his own small business and has served as an officer in the Royal Marines. He has lived and worked in the Developing World and has travelled extensively in Southern and East Africa. He currently runs a small museum in Dorset.
Alison Langley
Alison is a Medical Statistician with a masters degree in Horticulture. She complements her practical experience gained in both of these fields with technical expertise in data management and computer programming, albeit in a highly specialised area. She has never worked professionally in international poverty relief but enjoys asking difficult questions and challenging the accepted ways of doing things. She has gained some knowledge of the hardships of African rural life from travelling overland through East Africa and from subsequent visits to the continent.
Andrew Lyons
Andrew has 30 years experience of selling and marketing goods and services to businesses. He is entrepreneurial with particular strengths
in identifying and exploiting new markets and in putting together and leading teams. He has built businesses and driven growth in a wide variety of business sectors across UK, Europe, Asia and Australia and wants to use this experience to contribute to ZaRP. Although otherwise well travelled he had never visited Africa before 2012 .
Kangwa Puta
Kangwa was born in Zambia and has lived there for most of her life. Her father and mentor, Robinson Chisanga Puta, was a trade union activist, an entrepreneur, a politician and an important figure in the early years of post colonial Zambia. Kangwa inherited her father’s visionary and entrepreneurial nature and his drive for social justice. Her philanthropic activities draw from her deep Christian faith. She started her career as a secondary school teacher, specialising in commercial and business studies. She gained practical experience of business, publishing and banking before helping to establish one of Zambia’s leading car hire companies. She currently runs Tandala Rentals Limited; the only fully female founded, owned and operated car rental business in Zambia. Kangwa’s energy and her insights from her work on school boards, committee’s and with church organizations have proved invaluable to ZaRP since its inception.
Mike Pyper
Mike was, for many years, the most successful consultant for one of the largest pension providers in the UK. He then moved into management and supported his consultancy team in achieving greater
personal results. He did this by motivating and encouraging the individuals and groups to take responsibility for their own actions. He is a good team player and a strong influencer and negotiator. Mike retired at 52, and is now putting his considerable business skills to further use. Before being involved with ZaRP, he had only spent time in Africa on holiday and had no experience of Zambia or farming – he makes in many respects a typical candidate for ZaRP